New Year, New Server!

The world hasn't ended and we are now well into 2013. Although has been fairly quiet recently, there has been a lot going on – the busiest semester of my life, a migration to a new server, and lots of programming.

New Server is now running on its own virtual server that's currently rocking 2GB of RAM, 2 Xeon cores, more than enough storage, and Windows Server 2008. I no longer have to deal with the limitations of shared hosting; although GoDaddy's hosting never gave me any major issues, it was very difficult to manage multiple sites. Thanks to @tjasko for getting me a good deal on the server!

I apologize for any downtime, eaten comments, or strange errors you may have experienced during the migration, and I apologize in advance since many more improvements are coming! Please let me know as soon as possible if you notice anything broken.

Computer Puppetry

What has been keeping me busy all semester and preventing me from posting much? A lot of things, but the most significant of which was my computer puppetry group project. This took over a month of hard work, but in the end I realized that it's projects like these that make life worth living – I learned so much from it, and hopefully some of this knowledge will help me further improve NPS Image Editor.

Please check out the writeup and video here!

New Year's Resolution

Thanks to my new HP LP2475w monitor, my new year's resolution has increased to 1920x1200 (or, if you count all 3 monitors, around 3968x1680). It is a wide gamut monitor that has given me a few grievances and a lot of joy; I will hopefully review it sometime in the future.

Windows 8

I have been using Windows 8 on my tablet and my desktop at work for a while now. I'm now working on writing a simple app or two just to test out the process – so far, programming for Windows 8 has been rather enjoyable, if not completely different from the old Windows Forms way of doing it. Stay tuned for more details as I release apps! Improvements

Now that I have a new server, I can focus on improving my website without limitations. A fresh, clean design is in the works; it will embrace newer web technologies (that means HTML5 and CSS3) and will modernize the design, while keeping the same aesthetic you've grown to love. You can already see small changes here and there, and can expect more soon.

There have been a ton of improvements "under the hood" as well, which unfortunately aren't as noticeable to visitors but are critical for the redesign. You may have noticed a new extension at the end of the URL: .ndoc. That's the new NookkinCMS 2.0 templating system taking its first baby steps.

Posted on Sunday, January 6, 2013 at 8:47 PM | Permalink | Tags:, nps, computers, windows, class

Comments (2)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 2:35 AM
Yay for fast servers! :)
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Sunday, March 3, 2013 at 11:58 PM
this is test
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